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Friday, November 20, 2015
Party girl outline
Warning, if you hate spoilers, do not click the show/hide button!
This is an outline, for those who do not mind spoilers, for my party girl story. I will expand it more going forward also.
Also, I will use this as an Author's Comments post, so I do not need to clutter up the story with my additional comments.
I will be using stronger language in this story than normal, since it is more of a fringe element of society than my normal writings. Be prepared for more vulgar terms and cussing, and probably some story violence.
Please note I will include things that I don't know much about. So, if you see anything I wrote that is wrong, please let me know what and how to fix it so I am putting the right stuff in.
I do not know much about football, other than it has a bunch of guys trying to get a ball to the end, and they like to randomly collide with each other to keep the other side away. lol, I do know a little more, but figure that my knowledge does not extend much beyond that.
Also, I will write about drug use. Now, I am not an innocent girl in this subject. I have used pot, alcohol, mushrooms, ecstasy (Although I only tried this once, while I was doing cocaine, so not sure what it is like by itself), LSD, crank, cocaine, crystal meth, and speed. However, I will also be writing about others like heroine. What I write will be more based on what I can find on the internet like "What does it feel like to be on it and to come down from it". So, again, if I make mistakes, please let me know.
Some of this story will be based on my personal experiences (Like drugs use, and a little bit about what it felt like trading sex for drugs), but I will be writing beyond my experience, so feel free to give me corrections. And yes, I didn't forget my first time using xtc. But, I wanted to create a situation where I had sex with someone else without even realizing it, and hinting that it may be my boyfriend, not Sam, that got Sam's girlfriend pregnant. No, I doubt I will go anywhere with any of that. It was just more to let readers think about what actually transpired during the first party, and the type of person my character is. She isn't the nice person who made some bad mistakes. She is a stuck up bitch who only cares about herself. This is to help remove the sympathy of someone who made some bad choices.
And yes, I realize my quality is not the best at the moment. I have my own ups and downs...I want to write this story, but I guess I am not putting my best writing out there. I think I will use my new pages to fix stories, and will fix this more when I put it on a separate page.
I may update this more as I continue working on the story.
Sell sex for drugs
Start by offering mouth
End up selling pussy
Used by other two guys in the room
Origin story
Fairly popular
Dating football player
Big guy, rugged, dark hair, dark eyes, intimidating
Uses steroids, bad temper
Physical abuse, limited
Abuse escalates, friend recommends to get him stoned to calm him
Go to party, use another drug (ecstasy)
Get horny
fuck in Jason's room
Should we be so fucked up we don't notice someone else in there?
Yes, sex in room with Janice and Sam. Sex with both, but don't remember.
Wake up to someone else in there with us? Are we clothed? Nah, doubtful. But someone else probably is in there with us. Already answered.
Becoming the "party girl"
Start using drugs with him more - start with the morphine that Sam gave, like it, try ecstasy again while remembering it, like it, try coke at some point.
He hits me at party, I am pissed, I kiss one of his friends in front of him (Thinking I will kiss Sam, to point out the irony of the situation, that I had sex with Sam, but no one but Sam remembers it)
Short lip lock, no tongue, no need for explicit description. Revenge, not passion, so nothing.
We make up for a short while
Make up sex, do we want to have angry sex right after short "breakup", followed by the makeup sex?
Get too high, embarrass, leading to breakup
Maybe coke or meth or x, something makes me horny, have physical contact with someone else there. How far will it go?
Maybe kissing, fondling, handjob, maybe oral, maybe go somewhere and have sex. Unsure how I will embarrass myself. People whispering slut behind my back, breakup with boyfriend and party embarrassment starts to ruin popularity, or just put a nail in the "popularity" coffin.
He gets scholarship, playing for college team, so possible excuse he uses for breakup, that he shouldn't be dating a little girl while he is playing ball with the college
Solo party girl
Meet new guy, darker, druggie type
Continue downward popularity. Start to become moody, flake on school, outcast. Broken little girl setting in? Is that why I willingly flee to a druggies arms?
Party girl and druggie boyfriend
Start getting high constantly
Sell drugs with him
boyfriend robbed, shot (arrested?) Something to cause me to stop associating with him.
I flake, leave him. No way I am going to try to stay with someone who is (x), and may end up a burden. His problem, not mine. Shallowness starting, becoming total junkie, not caring for anyone other than my own fix.
Party girl further decent
Meet new guy
new guy drug user, find ways to get drugs and money
Possible scams, burglary, "whore" lure for robbery
Boyfriend busted, , OD death, knifed, scam gone bad, something. I run
Party girl - crack whore
Start using body for drugs/drug money
A few shorts about being a prostitute.
go back to beginning story
Party girl or sex slave
Dealer at beginning makes offer
Offer followed, used in "gathering"
Possible sex slave future?
Possible OD future?
Possible dead?
Stage 1: Party girl, background drug use with boyfriend, escalates
Boyfriend jock type, steroid use, temper. Some minor physical abuse. Start getting him stoned to calm him on advice from friend.
Sex at parties, sex while high
Start having sex with others at party when boyfriend doesn't have drugs, or maybe when he does. Unknown.
Start having sex for drugs, slow at first, just target people with drugs, have sex with them since druggies share with girls they are fucking.
Start having sex for drugs, beginning of crack whore.
Start with this story, flash back to beginning? End being placed in rack, being used as party favor, maybe have more "party favors", but more willing, less "for the drugs", prior to this.
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