Monday, February 24, 2014

Salon and tales of female sex addiction

It was odd, I randomly stumbled across this article a few days ago:

As I read it, I had to wonder, is this me?

From the article, "And, consequently, I was odd. Odd and pathetic and bad. Shame consumed me."

I can completely understand how this feels. I watch porn myself, and sometimes it seems that I focus on degrading porn. God knows I have been degraded enough in my own life.

While I think that I have found a place in my life where my relationship isn't just about sex, and using sex for attention, I have to wonder: Is this also my story, with a slightly different twist?


  1. It's OK to really, really like sex and be female. [My girlfriend is hornier than I am, and I didn't think that was possible.]

    I just hope you find a good person to be with, one who will be understanding and won't degrade you for being sexual. Women have hormones too, people!

    1. Yes, but for me, sex was always dirty. It was not something you did, it was something that was done to you. You can read more about it in my Damaged Goods story. It has only been with my husband that I have started feeling that sex is actually something healthy, something to enjoy.

      Plus, look at societies views. Although it is better than it used to be, even now, you see the name calling, the difference between how people view a male who has multiple sexual partners and a female who has multiple sexual partners. The male is "The man", the female is "the slut, the whore, OMG she is so easy", etc.

    2. "Society" needs to grow the f*** up. The society *I* am part of has very healthy views on sex and either doesn't shame people for having sexual desires or lays into promiscuous men just as much as they critique women with multiple partners. Anyone who doesn't want to accept full gender equality in all things should be kicked to the curb and discarded into history's trash bag.

      P.S. -- I hope your husband is loving, kind and accepting of you, and pleasures you as often as you want.

      P.P.S. Congratulations on your pregnancy and I hope you have a happy, healthy child.

    3. I read your Damaged Goods post and left a comment on it. I'll just say that you deserve lots of good fortune to come your way to make up for the bad things that weren't your fault that have happened to you, and I hope you get it.

    4. Thanks. You must not be American. I know I am, and I think our sexually repressed values have alot of the blame for the way the US has become a voyeuristic society. I think that is also why you see the US tends to have much more child oriented sex abuse issues. I think it is everywhere, but I think we have warped it, in our pursuit of "For the children", and try to hide reality from our children, so they don't know what is happening.

    5. I am American, I just live in one of the enclaves of sanity. :) And you're quite welcome.
